Hello Everyone!

It’s that wonderful time of year where we collect yearly band dues. Your dues are used to buy new music, equipment, insurance and a variety of other costs necessary to keep this a strong, vital organization. Last year, with your help, we were able to purchase 3 (much needed) new tympani! If anyone would like last year’s financial statement, please let me know.

Membership dues are $30.00 per person, additional family members are $15.00 and students are $15.00. Cash, checks or Paypal are accepted. There is a link at the bottom of the band web page (www.wcband.org) where you can make your dues payment using Paypal.


Enter your dues payment in the Donation Amount box and click on the yellow “Donate” button. It will take you to the Paypal site where you will log on to your Paypal account. (Note: you must already have a Paypal account to use this payment method.)

A form to be turned in with your payment is attached. (RIGHT CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD/SAVE/PRINT … I will also be handing out these forms at practice tomorrow night.) These forms help me keep track of who has paid their dues, so please make sure you get them to me even if you use Paypal.

I would appreciate having your dues paid no later than Oct 1 so that we can accurately budget the upcoming year.

I am looking forward to a wonderful new music season and hope you are as well.
Thanks for your cooperation, see you tomorrow!

Betsy Bryce (treasurer@wcband.org)
Treasurer and Bass Clarinet Player
West Chester Band


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