From the Director

This Wednesday’s 7:00 rehearsal will be at Immaculata University in the Great Hall (in building #5 (Lourdes Hall) on the campus map found here: )

This will be the rehearsal for Friday’s 7:30 concert (report at 6:30).  If you are not playing this Friday, then you do not need to attend the Wednesday rehearsal.

Thank you to those who are able to play this Friday.  Remember, the Great Hall is like a cave, so balance is very difficult.

We will have stands there, but it’s possible we will run out, so you may want to bring one just in case.

The dress for Friday is Concert Black:  women in all black, men in tux-look

We we be back to normal rehearsal schedule at Stetson next Wednesday the 29th.

Also, thank you to everyone who has come out to support the Chesco Pops Halloween performance.  It has been a lot of fun.  If you haven’t seen it yet, the Pops’ final performance of this series will be this Tuesday night at Stetson.



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