The upcoming Summer Series is upon us. Please make sure that you have copies of all of the music listed below. If you know that you will not be at a certain concert, please make sure someone in your section is covering that part and has the music. If you don’t have the music, please check the music bin for copies, or let someone know to make a copy for you.

American Fanfare
Belle of the Ball
Esprit de Corps
Portrait of Freedom
Sheltering Sky
Solid Men to the Front
Cakewalk (Old American Dances)
Billboard March
Mask of Zorro
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Symphonic Portrait
Radetzky March
Tribute to Marvin Hamlisch
American Civil War Fantasy
Themes Like Old Times
Chicken Run
America the Beautiful
Armed Forces Salute
God Bless America
Stars and Stripes Forever

These are all possible pieces to be selected from for the various concerts.

Only a few more rehearsals left. Let’s be prepared!

Jason Geldmacher
VP & Webmaster


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