Emails went out today asking members to confirm that we have your correct information. Emails also went out to section leaders to confirm that they have your information as well. If you are a member and did not get an email, check your spam folders. If it’s not there either, please email me at to let me know. The information we are looking for is also available as a form on this website at

City, State, Zip

Phone number
Do you want texts?

email address

We also ask what instrument you play and what your shirt size is.

Please get this information to us this weekend please. With our last rehearsal coming Wednesday, it’s very important that we have the most current and best way to contact you during the Summer. Concerts can be cancelled or changed last minute and we send out notifications via email, texts, posts here, posts on Facebook, and posts on Twitter. We try our best to convey all changes as wide a reach as possible.

Thank you,
Jason Geldmacher
Vice-President, Webmaster


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