As of now, West Chester Area School District has not altered any plans for after-school activities or for large groups.  You may have seen that Henderson High School was closed today after receiving notification on Monday that a Henderson student was exposed at a healthcare office in King of Prussia last week to a person who tested positive for the coronavirus. The student is not exhibiting any symptoms, nor is the student being tested for the virus at this time. However, the student and family are under a 14-day quarantine and will not return to school until the quarantine is lifted.
The Chester County Health Department informed the district that there is no need to screen or quarantine any of our students or staff. They do not believe exposure to this student posed a threat.
The health of the musicians in the West Chester Band is paramount, so please do not attend rehearsal if you are feeling ill.  However, we will continue to rehearse until we receive any other update from the district and/or Chester County Health Department. 
When at rehearsal, avoid shaking hands with other members and be extra vigilant with following the general safety guidelines:
  • Wash your hands with soap or use a hand sanitizer that contains alcohol before and after rehearsal
  • Sneeze and cough into tissues or the crook of your elbow. If you get mucus or spit on your skin, clean it off right away. Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick, especially people exhibiting respiratory symptoms and fever.
  • Stay home when you're sick.
  • Regularly and thoroughly clean surfaces with a disinfectant.
As always, if you plan on not attending a rehearsal, please communicate that with your section leader.
Our Spring concert will consist of the following program. Please review these reference recordings, especially if you are staying home.
American Overture 
The Barber of Seville Overture
      - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPmslZ6Y_gs  (same arrangement)
Crown Imperial
Liturgical Dances
Abide With Me
Fairest of the Fair March
Into the Light
Thank you


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